50th Anniversary
Coffee Table Book
OCT 20-23, 2024 ATLANTA
50 Years of Advancing Economic Equality
In just five decades, NMSDC has made unprecedented strides, building a membership of 1,700+ corporate leaders, certifying over 15,000 MBEs, and helping them grow their annual economic output to $482.1 billion. Now, as we look back with pride from this pivotal point in history, we have the perspective to see that where we’ve been is nothing compared to where we’re going.
The NMSDC 50th Anniversary Coffee Table Book celebrates our unmatched successes, shares stories from powerhouse minority businesses, captures the retrospective thoughts of giants in our industry, and sets the bold vision forward on the road to economic equity and $1 trillion in annual certified-MBE revenue.
We have a half-century of progress on our backs. And nothing but wide-open possibilities ahead. Add the NMSDC 50th Anniversary Book during the registration process for only $69 and take it home with you from the conference.
As a sponsor of the Minority Business Economic Forum, you stand at the flashpoint of an economic equity revolution. One fueled not just by public statements of support, but by an exponential acceleration toward $1 trillion in revenue, wealth, and opportunity. Toward a prosperity that is generative and transformative — for the certified minority businesses and communities gaining contracts, employment, and economic resilience, and for a world that is made far better by their contributions to it.
Featured Speakers
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